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Sunday, September 10, 2006

America's Dairyland, 8/31-9/5

Mmmm, ice cream. For some reason, it just tastes better in Wisconsin. So, it's really probably best that I don't live there and only go to visit for limited engagements. Because really, who can turn down ice cream? No one I'm related to, that's for sure.

Thankfully, ice cream is on my Ukranian vocabulary list - Morozivo, accent on the second "o". I'm hoping it will be so good that I'll completely forget about hot showers and be enveloped in a dairy-induced haze.

The fam and I truly saw everything the bustling metropolis of Appleton has to offer - from a Packers game to a paper museum, from painstakingly-precise mosaic crafting (that you unfortunately left in the back seat of the van...did you spot it yet, Jessica?) to delicious home-cooked steak dinners (cows are good for more than just milk products, you know). AND I finally got to see High School Musical with Jessica (talk about cheese...). What more could you ask from a visit to the place that's kind of like your home because your family's there, but, then again, not really your home? How about some handy investment advice that kind of scares you a little? Oh wait, I had that too.

Ah, Wisconsin, land of plenty. Especially when it comes to dairy products and white folks.


Blogger T-Mac said...

Again, it sounds like a great road trip...I'll only add that although I've never been to Lambeau Field, it's supposed to be AMAZING, so I'm jealous!

3:42 AM

Blogger Diane said...

Hey Alison :-)
I've added that vocabulary to my list as well, thanks! I hope you're more ready for next Thursday than I am!!!

1:40 PM


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