The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Summer: A Fond Farewell

Ah, summer. For the past 21 years of my life, I have had summers off, so I have come to consider myself somewhat of a summer vacation expert. (For those of you who have been teaching for much longer than I have, please note that I said "somewhat".) Though this summer didn't quite match up to the one that followed my first year of teaching (when I finally realized how SO MANY teachers can make it through each school year), it was still pretty darn good.
Whether it was watching a lightning storm from a camp site on a mountain atop a beach in Crimea, sitting around the shashlik (like shish kebab) pit with my friend Annmarie's host family, or singing camp songs at an unnecessarily loud volume, I was pretty much always having a good time this summer. Of course, all of this would be much easier for you, the reader living many, many miles away, to grasp if I had some pictures to illustrate my experiences, but, well, you'll just have to wait a bit longer for those, dear friends. Because I totally forgot to put them on my flash drive and I'm pretty much just killing time while I send some other, non-related pictures via email (and that takes way longer than I thought it would).
Still, as I start to make my phone calls around town to start putting together some kind of schedule for myself this semester, I thought it only proper that I take a moment to reflect on the fact that I had a lovely little summer, complete with old friends and new friends, and just enough drama to keep things interesting without anyone being killed, contracting a serious disease, or completely embarassing our country. All in all, a successful three months.

NOTE: I finally uploaded some summer photos. See them for yourself:
Summer 2007


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On this day when we remember Columbus' pillage of the new world, I'd like to take a moment in my fab. day off to remember you, Alison Stohr. (Oh, and that remembrance has nothing to do with pillaging, I assure you.) I've tried to call several times, and I still have your E-mail from August to respond to. Gawd, what's wrong with me? I could just write all this there. At any rate, I love you and miss you and will keep trying to call until I get through! :-D

11:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummm, seriously, it's like time for a farewell to autumn, now. We're overdue for an update...

4:24 PM

Blogger Maria Sonevytsky said...

Alison, I just found you on the blogger, which is a whole new thing for me. So glad to find you! I'm a new arrival to Simferopol and will be here til the summer. I'd love to meet you and hear about the peace corp life in Crimea if you're up for it - I'm an ethnomusicology grad student from Columbia University doing research on Crimean Tatars... please drop me an e-mail if you get this and maybe we could have some fine obolon or coffee if you know any places to go:

12:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

1:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish not agree on it. I think polite post. Expressly the appellation attracted me to read the whole story.

11:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

8:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice and intrestingss story.

12:17 AM


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